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发表于 : 2018年10月27日 10:51
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Re: ImageMagick使用笔记

发表于 : 2018年10月27日 10:52
自动裁剪图片周边的空白部分 -trim 参数


Trimming with fuzzy color selection -- Low Quality JPEG Images
Because JPEG is 'lossy' the colors in the image is generally not a single color but slightly varying band of different colors. because of this "-trim" will often fail for JPEG or real world images.

FUTURE: Example of failure here

As such you need to tell ImageMagick that colors that are not-exactly the same, but are reasonally close should be treated as being the same. Adding a very small "-fuzz" setting will do this.

convert image.jpg -fuzz 1% -trim +repage image_fuzzy_trim.jpg

It is also a very good idea to specify the specific color you want that fuzz to be relative to. This can be added by specifically added a border of that color using the "-border" operator. The border will of course always match the color to be trimmed, so will always be removed by "-trim".