
Life is short, you need Python - Bruce Eckel
Package Index, Python 3.5.3 documentation
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Re: 计算机开放电子书汇总(包括二十多本python相关的图书教程)

帖子 paktc »

│ freetype使用详解(中文).pdf
│ list.txt
│ [三维游戏设计师宝典]学OpenGL编3D游戏.ISO
│ [可视化之美].Beautiful.Visualization.文字版.pdf
│ [扑克牌魔术:罗宾魔法宝典].罗宾.全彩版(ED2000.COM).pdf

│ O'Reilly - Arduino Cookbook - 2nd Edition (2012).pdf

├─C C++
│ │ Advanced C and C++ Compiling (Apress, 2014).pdf
│ │ Brian W Kernighan & Dennis M Ritchie - The C Programming Language.pdf
│ │ C Library Reference.txt
│ │ C Primer Plus, 6th edition, Stephen Prata, Pearson, 2014.[sharethefiles.com].pdf
│ │ C标准库 知识索引.txt
│ │ Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C - Mark Allen Weiss(1992).chm
│ │ Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4th ed - Mark Allen Weiss - 2014.pdf
│ │ GCC--Complete Reference.pdf
│ │ Gnu C Library (Posix Reference) 2003.pdf
│ │ Linux C编程一站式学习.rar
│ │ linuxc一站式学习在线.txt
│ │ make.pdf
│ │ Makefile.pdf
│ │ Mastering.Algorithms.with.C.pdf
│ │ O'Reilly Mastering Algorithms with C(1999).chm
│ │ Plauger, PJ. The Standard C Library.djvu
│ │ Prentice Hall - The Standard C Library.pdf
│ │ Sams - Stephen_Prata_-_C_Primer_Plus._2005,_5th.pdf
│ │ tc图形函数详解.chm
│ │ The C Programming Language (Kernigham & Ritchie) 2Nd Edition.pdf
│ │ wintchlp.chm
│ │ [C标准库].P.J.Plauger.扫描版.pdf
│ │ [C程序设计语言]The ANSI C Programming Language 2nd Ed.pdf
│ │ [C陷阱和缺陷]C Traps and Pitfalls_0201179288.pdf
│ │ [算法:C语言实现(第1-4部分)基础知识、数据结构、排序及搜索(原书第3版)].Robert.Sedgewick.扫描版.pdf
│ │ 编程_C语言--论坛(精华).chm
│ │
│ ├─C++
│ │ │ C++ (Cpp Cplusplus) by Example Under C Learning Edition (Steve Donovan, 2001).pdf
│ │ │ C++ Primer 5th ed. - Stanley B. Lippman, et. al., (2013).pdf
│ │ │ C++ Primer Plus (6th edition).pdf
│ │ │ C++ Primer Plus 5th edition.pdf
│ │ │ C++ Primer Plus by Stephen Prata 6th edition 2012.pdf
│ │ │ C++ Primer 随书代码.7z
│ │ │ C++学习教材推荐.txt
│ │ │ C++程序设计原理与实践 附录 B包含了CDE部分.rar
│ │ │ errortest.txt
│ │ │ Modern.C++.Design.Generic.Programming.and.Design.Patterns.Applied.pdf
│ │ │ O'Reilly - Practical C++ Programming.pdf
│ │ │ The C++ Programming Language 4th code.zip
│ │ │ The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition - (Bjarne Stroustrup) [Addison Wesley 2013 ISBN 978-0-321-56384-2].pdf
│ │ │ The C++ Programming.Language.4th.Edition.Jun.2013.pdf
│ │ │ The C++ Standard Library Extensions - A Tutorial and Reference.chm
│ │ │ Thinking in C++ 2nd edition Vol 1&2.pdf
│ │ │ [程式语言][VC++][中简][侯捷] More Effective C++.doc
│ │ │
│ │ ├─C++ Primer 5th Code
│ │ │ GCC_4_7_0.zip
│ │ │ GCC_pre_C11.zip
│ │ │ MS_pre_C11.zip
│ │ │ VisualStudio2012.zip
│ │ │
│ │ └─C++程序设计原理与实践 源代码
│ │ fltk-1.1.9-source.tar.gz
│ │ fltk-1.1.9-source.zip
│ │ include-std_lib_facilities.doc
│ │ Installing-Visual-Studio-express.doc
│ │ PPP2code.rar
│ │ Programming-code.zip
│ │ 页面.txt
│ │
│ ├─GCC, Makefile
│ │ An Introduction To Gcc - For The Gnu Compilers Gcc And G++.pdf
│ │ An Introduction to GCC for the GNU Compilers gcc and g++ (Network Theory, 2004, 0954161793).pdf
│ │ GNU Make - A Program for Directing Recompilation (Free Software Foundation, 2010, 1882114825).pdf
│ │ Linux,gcc-Managing Projects with GNU make-Robert Mecklenburg-O'Reilly-2004,3rd Edition.chm
│ │ O'Reilly - Managing Projects with GNU Make 3ed.pdf
│ │ OReilly,.Managing.Projects.with.GNU.make.(2004),.3Ed.DDU.chm
│ │ The Art of Debugging With GDB and DDD - For Professionals and Students (No Starch, 2007, 159327002X).pdf
│ │ The Art Of Debugging With Gdb And Ddd - For Professionals And Students - Source Code.zip
│ │ The Art of Debugging With GDB and DDD - Pollock.pdf
│ │
│ └─Windows C C++ 编程
│ Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example - Code and Explanation for Real-World MFC C++ Applications - Stefan Bjornander [Pact Publishing, 2008].pdf
│ Programming Windows - Win32 Api (MSpress, Charles Petzold, 5th Ed).pdf
│ Windows via C & C++ Cpp 5th Fifth Edition.chm
│ Windows程序设计.chm
│ [Windows核心编程]Windows-via-CPlusPlus-Code.zip
│ [Windows程序设计]WindowsProgramming.7z

│ ADDISON WESLEY - Windows Forms Programming in C Sharp (2003).chm
│ OReilly,.Programming.C.Sharp.(2005),.4Ed.LiB.(osloskop.net).chm

│ ├─AutoDesk
│ │ %5BAutodesk官方标准教程系列:AutoCAD.2012标准培训教程%5D.王建华等.扫描版.pdf
│ │
│ ├─CorelDraw
│ │ 官方教程资料CorelDrawX4_Files.zip
│ │ 将轮廓转换为对象并渐变.JPG
│ │ 将默认的单位改为像素.txt
│ │
│ ├─GIMP
│ │ F_Record.txt
│ │ Gimp - The Official Handbook.pdf
│ │ GIMP Bible (Wiley, 2010, 0470523972, 0470636424).pdf
│ │ GIMP.Magazine.Issue.2.[sharethefiles.com].pdf
│ │ Klaus GOELKER - GIMP 2.6 for Photographers. Image Editing with Open Source Software (2011).pdf
│ │ Packt Instant GIMP Starter 2013.pdf
│ │ Packtpub.GIMP.2.6.cookbook.Mar.2011.pdf
│ │ [免费开源平面设计软件Gimp教程]Beginning.Gimp.-.From.Novice.To.Professional.(2006).-.Bbl.pdf
│ │ 视频教程名录.txt
│ │
│ ├─Inkscape
│ │ │ Curso Inkscape (Dibujo Vectorial Libre).pdf
│ │ │ Inkscape - Guide to a Vector Drawing Program, 4th edition (Prentice Hall, 2011, 0132764148).pdf
│ │ │ Inkscape - Guide To Vector Drawing And Program.pdf
│ │ │ Inkscape 0.48 Essentials for Web Designers_2010.pdf
│ │ │ Inkscape 0.48 Illustrator's Cookbook (Packt, 2011, 1849512663).pdf
│ │ │ Inkscape Guide.pdf
│ │ │ Inkscape命令行、转换图片到PDF.txt
│ │ │ Inkscape教程文件资料.zip
│ │ │ tutorial-advanced.zh_CN.html
│ │ │ tutorial-basic.zh_CN.html
│ │ │ tutorial-shapes.zh_CN.html
│ │ │ [itpub.net]Inkscape Beginner's Guide.pdf
│ │ │
│ │ ├─tutorial-advanced.zh_CN_files
│ │ │ advanced-f01-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ advanced-f02-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ advanced-f03-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ advanced-f04-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ advanced-f05-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ advanced-f06-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ advanced-f07-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ advanced-f08-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ advanced-f09-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ advanced-f10-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ advanced-f11-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ advanced-f12-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ advanced-f13-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ advanced-f14-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ advanced-f15-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ advanced-f16-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ tutorial-html.css
│ │ │
│ │ ├─tutorial-basic.zh_CN_files
│ │ │ basic-f01-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ basic-f02-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ basic-f03-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ basic-f04-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ basic-f05-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ basic-f06-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ basic-f07-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ basic-f08-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ basic-f09-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ basic-f10-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ basic-f11-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ basic-f12-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ basic-f13-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ basic-f14-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ basic-f15-zh_CN.png
│ │ │ tutorial-html.css
│ │ │
│ │ └─tutorial-shapes.zh_CN_files
│ │ shapes-f01-zh_CN.png
│ │ shapes-f02-zh_CN.png
│ │ shapes-f03-zh_CN.png
│ │ shapes-f04-zh_CN.png
│ │ shapes-f05-zh_CN.png
│ │ shapes-f06-zh_CN.png
│ │ shapes-f07-zh_CN.png
│ │ shapes-f08-zh_CN.png
│ │ shapes-f09-zh_CN.png
│ │ shapes-f10-zh_CN.png
│ │ shapes-f11-zh_CN.png
│ │ shapes-f12-zh_CN.png
│ │ shapes-f13-zh_CN.png
│ │ shapes-f14-zh_CN.png
│ │ shapes-f15-zh_CN.png
│ │ shapes-f16-zh_CN.png
│ │ shapes-f17-zh_CN.png
│ │ shapes-f18-zh_CN.png
│ │ shapes-f19-zh_CN.png
│ │ shapes-f20-zh_CN.png
│ │ shapes-f21-zh_CN.png
│ │ shapes-f22-zh_CN.png
│ │ shapes-f23-zh_CN.png
│ │ tutorial-html.css
│ │
│ ├─Photoshop
│ │ Photoshop.CS5.简体中文教程.pdf
│ │ photoshop教程大全[基础入门][照片处理][字....doc
│ │
│ └─SVG
│ Eisenberg - SVG Essentials (O'Reilly, 2002).pdf
│ Fundamentals of SVG Programming Concepts to Source Code.chm

│ DirectX游戏开发终极指南.pdf
│ Introduction To 3D Game Programming With Directx 11 - Luna, Frank D.pdf
│ Introduction.to.3D.Game.Programming.with.DirectX.10.chm
│ Practical.Rendering.and.Computation.with.Direct3D.11,.Jason.Zink,.Matt.Pettineo,.Jack.Hoxley,.CRC,.2011.pdf
│ [DVD]Introduction To 3D Game Programming With Directx 11.zip
│ [Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 11]AppendixDSelectedSolutions.pdf
│ [Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 11]Chap1sol.pdf

├─Excel VBA
│ EXCEL2007 VBA Samples.rar
│ Excel上机练习题.rar
│ [Excel.VBA实战技巧精粹].扫描版.pdf
│ 巧学巧用.EXCEL.2003.VBA与宏.pdf

│ GCC.中文手册.pdf
│ linux_help.7z
│ Linux基础命令教程豪华版.chm
│ Linux操作系统下C语言编程入门.pdf
│ Linux网络编程.pdf
│ Linux菜鸟专用.pdf
│ Linux零基础初级教程.chm
│ LiveCD介绍1.txt
│ LiveCD相关.txt
│ 《Ubuntu_命令技巧手册》.pdf
│ 从Windows转向Linux教程E3000基础学习.chm
│ 编写 Linux 桌面脚本,第 1 部分 基础.7z
│ 驰骋linux系列教程.CHM
│ 高级Bash脚本编程指南.7z

│ │ 3D.Computer.Graphics.-.A.Mathematical.Introduction.with.OpenGL.pdf
│ │ 3D_case_study_using_opengl.pdf
│ │ Advanced Graphics Programming Using OpenGL (Elsevier, 2005).pdf
│ │ Computer.Graphics.Through.OpenGL.2ed.2015.pdf
│ │ Graphics Shaders - Theory and Practice, 2nd edition, Includes OpenGL 4.x (CRC, 2012, 1568814348).pdf
│ │ Mobile 3D Graphics with OpenGL ES and M3G (2008,-462).pdf
│ │ OpenGL Development Cookbook - Muhammad Mobeen Movania [2013].pdf
│ │ OpenGL Development Cookbook.zip
│ │ Opengl Programming Guide - The Official Guide To Learning Opengl.chm
│ │ [2006IT类新书合集].AddisonWesley_OpenGL.Distilled(2006.2).chm
│ │ [3D Graphics] OpenGL Graphics Through Applications (Springer, 2008).pdf
│ │ [NeHe.OpenGL.Tutorial][中文版.CKER翻译].chm
│ │ [交互式计算机图形学][Interactive.Computer.Graphics:A.Top-Down.Approach.with.Shader-Based.OpenGL(6th.2011)].Edward.Angel.pdf
│ │ [计算机图形学].(美国)Donald.Hearn.清晰版.pdf
│ │ 清华 计算机图形学(OpenGL版)(上)(1).pdf
│ │ 计算机图形学(OpenGL版)(下).pdf
│ │
│ ├─Computer Graphics 4th
│ │ 计算机图形学第四版源码Computer-graphics-with-OpenGL-.rar
│ │
│ ├─GL4.5 Documents
│ │ GLSLangSpec.4.50.pdf
│ │ glspec45.compatibility.pdf
│ │ glspec45.core.pdf
│ │ opengl42-core-quick-reference-card.pdf
│ │
│ ├─OpenGL 4 Shading Language Cookbook
│ │ Packt Publishing - OpenGL 4 Shading Language Cookbook 2nd Edition Dec 2013.pdf
│ │ PacktPub.OpenGL.Development.Cookbook.Jun.2013.pdf
│ │
│ ├─OpenGL Programming Guide 8th
│ │ Addison Wesley - OpenGL Programming Guide 8th Edition (2013).pdf
│ │ Addison-Wesley Professional OpenGL Programming Guide, The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL version 4.3 8th (2013).[sharethefiles.com].pdf
│ │ oglpg-8th-edition.zip
│ │
│ ├─PACKT Shading Language Cookbook
│ │ OpenGL 4 Shading Language Cookbook, Second Edition.zip
│ │ OpenGL 4.0 Shading Language (GLSL) Cookbook (Packt, 2011, 1849514763).pdf
│ │
│ ├─SuperBible5 Code and Book
│ │ Addison.Wesley.OpenGL.SuperBible.5th.Edition.Jul.2010.pdf
│ │ OpenGL.SuperBible.5th.Edition.pdf
│ │ SB-LinuxSrc.tar.bz2.tar
│ │ SB5.zip
│ │
│ ├─SuperBible6 Code and Book
│ │ Addison-Wesley OpenGL SuperBible, Comprehensive Tutorial and Reference 6th (2014).pdf
│ │ OpenGL.Superbible.6th.edition.Comprehensive.Tutorial.and.Reference.PDF.pdf
│ │ sb6code_2013_10_11.zip
│ │ sb6media_2013_10_11.zip
│ │
│ ├─SuperBible7 Code
│ │ AW.OpenGL.Superbible.7th.Edition.0672337479.pdf
│ │ sb7code-master.zip
│ │ superbible7-media.zip
│ │
│ ├─官方手册
│ │ GLFWReference277.pdf
│ │ GLFWUsersGuide277.pdf
│ │ GLSLangSpec.4.20.6.clean.pdf
│ │ GLSLangSpec.4.30.6.pdf
│ │ glspec42.compatibility.20110808.pdf
│ │ glspec42.core.20110808.pdf
│ │ glspec43.core.20120806.pdf
│ │ opengl32-quick-reference-card.pdf
│ │ opengl40-quick-reference-card.pdf
│ │ opengl42-quick-reference-card.pdf
│ │ opengl45-reference-card.pdf
│ │
│ └─橙皮书
│ OpenGL Shading Language - GLSL 3rd edition.pdf
│ OpenGL.Shading.Language.2nd.Edition.(Orange.Book).2006.byQ.pdf

│ │ C++ GUI Programming with Qt4, 2ed - Feb 2008.pdf
│ │ C++ GUI Qt4 编程 (第二版).pdf
│ │ Prentice Hall C++ GUI Programming with Qt4 (2nd Edition)Feb.2008_0132354160.chm
│ │ qt-book-examples.zip
│ │
│ └─QT Creator 快速入门
│ QT_Make_env.bat
│ QT历史版本下载.txt
│ QT示例编译错误原因-gcc版本不配对.txt
│ 《Qt Creator快速入门》第2版源码.rar
│ 《QtCreator快速入门》第2版PPT课件(1-9章).zip
│ 《QtCreator快速入门》第2版实验讲义.zip
│ 环境配置.txt

│ │ Applied Cryptography, Second Edition - Protocols, Algorthms, And Source Code In C (Bruce Schneier, Wiley Computer Publishing 1996).chm
│ │ Bruce Schneier - Applied Cryptography - 2nd Ed And Source Code.zip
│ │ Cryptography In C And C++ (2001).chm
│ │ O'Reilly - Network Security with OpenSSL.chm
│ │ RSA加密有关帖子.txt
│ │
│ └─OpenSSL RSA加密实践
│ hello.de.txt
│ hello.en.txt
│ hello.txt
│ RSA公钥加密.txt
│ RSA机密示例.bat
│ sta.bat
│ test.key
│ test_pub.key

│ │ Apress.The.Definitive.Guide.to.ImageMagick.Dec.2005.pdf
│ │
│ └─Git
│ Apress.-.Pro.Git.中文版.pdf
│ Pro Git - Scott Chacon 2010 p241 中文版.pdf
│ progit-zh.936.pdf
│ progit-zh.936.zip

│ │ 3D图形算法网站.txt
│ │ Advanced Methods in Computer Graphics - With Examples in OpenGL (2013) Springer.pdf
│ │ Computational Geometry, An Introduction (Monographs in Computer Science) (Franco P. Preparata, Michael Ian Shamos) 0387961313.pdf
│ │ Mathematics.for.3D.Game.Programming.and.Computer.Graphics,.Lengyel,.3ed,.Course,.2012.pdf
│ │ Springer - Advanced Methods in Computer Graphics - With Examples in OpenGL (2013).pdf
│ │ Subdivision.Methods.for.Geometric.Design.A.Constructive.Approach,.Warren,.Weimer,.MK,.2002.pdf
│ │ teapotposter.pdf
│ │ The.Computer.Graphics.Manual,.Vol.I,.David.Salomon,.Springer,.2011.pdf
│ │ [3D游戏与计算机图形学中的数学方法].(Mathematics.for.3D.Game.Programming&Computer.Graphics).(美)Eric.Lengyel.扫描版.pdf
│ │ [O'Reilly:游戏开发物理学(中文版)].(布兰革).O′Reilly.Taiwan公司.扫描版(ED2000.COM).pdf
│ │ [PDF]Real-Time Rendering.3rd.pdf
│ │ [基于点的计算机图形学综述].Morgan.Kaufmann.Point.Based.Graphics.pdf
│ │ 实时碰撞检测算法技术033422-01.rar
│ │ 实时碰撞检测算法技术Real Time Collision Detection (Morgan Kaufmann and Christer Ericson).pdf
│ │ 计算机图形学.chm
│ │
│ ├─分形
│ │ (Todel)Introduction To Mathematical Chaos Theory And Fractal Geometry.pdf
│ │ Edgar G. Measure, topology and fractal geometry (2ed., UTM, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 0387747486)(292s).pdf
│ │ Fractal Geometry By Michael Frame, Benoit Mandelbrot And Nial Neger.pdf
│ │ The Fractal Geometry of Nature - B. Mandelbrot.pdf
│ │ The Fractal Geometry Of Nature.pdf
│ │ [分形论—奇异性探索].林鸿溢.扫描版.pdf
│ │ [混沌与分形:科学的新前沿].(Chaos.and.Fractals.New.Frontiers.of.Science).Peitgen.Juergens.Saupe.文字版.pdf
│ │
│ └─数字图像处理
│ Feature extraction and image processing for computer vision by Mark S. Nixon, Alberto S. Aguado, 3Ed.2012.pdf
│ Feature Extraction and Image Processing, Second Edition.pdf

│ │ %5B费曼物理学讲义%5D.feynman_chinese_book_1.pdf
│ │ %5B费曼物理学讲义%5D.feynman_chinese_book_2.pdf
│ │ %5B费曼物理学讲义%5D.feynman_chinese_book_3.pdf
│ │ A Friendly Introduction to Number Theory, 4e, Silverman, 2012.pdf
│ │ Introductory Combinatorics - 5Th Ed - R. A. Brualdi - Pearson - 2010.pdf
│ │ [别闹了,费曼先生].Surely.You're.Joking.Mr.Feynman.费曼.CHS.文字版.pdf
│ │ [数学]具体数学 Concrete.Math 中文版(第1版).pdf
│ │ [数学实验].李亚杰.文字版.pdf
│ │ [数论]A Friendly Introduction to Number Theory - Joseph H. Silverman (4th Ed).pdf
│ │ [物理学基础(全美经典学习指导系列)].(美)比克&赫克特.扫描版.pdf
│ │ [电路基础].((美)亚历山大).扫描版[电子书].pdf
│ │ [电路基础]Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (5th Ed)(gnv64).pdf
│ │ [电路基础]Fundamentals of Electric Circuits - Charles K. Alexander, Matthew N.O. Sadiku - 5th ed, McGraw-Hill, 2013.pdf
│ │ 数学-《数学悖论奇景》chm[含逻辑 概率 数论 几何 统计 时间等方面的数学悖论].chm
│ │ 物理学基础目录.txt
│ │ 矢量分析基础.pdf
│ │ 精品物理电子书.rar
│ │ 高中物理 必修.7z
│ │ 高中物理 选修.7z
│ │
│ ├─Physics
│ │ │ C++ - Physics - Physics for Game Developers.pdf
│ │ │
│ │ └─游戏开发物理学源代码
│ │ Ch2 Cannon.zip
│ │ Ch2 Particle Explosion.zip
│ │ Ch4 cannon2.zip
│ │ Ch6 Cannon3.zip
│ │ Ch8 Falling Particles.zip
│ │ Ch9 Hover.zip
│ │
│ ├─交流直流电路基础 Multisim实例 Floyd
│ │ │ ReadMe_111205.pdf
│ │ │ SOLUTION.zip
│ │ │
│ │ ├─multisim 11
│ │ │ CHAP03.zip
│ │ │ CHAP04.zip
│ │ │ CHAP05.zip
│ │ │ CHAP06.zip
│ │ │ CHAP07.zip
│ │ │ CHAP08.zip
│ │ │ CHAP09.zip
│ │ │ CHAP10.zip
│ │ │ CHAP11.zip
│ │ │ CHAP12.zip
│ │ │ CHAP13.zip
│ │ │ CHAP14.zip
│ │ │ CHAP15.zip
│ │ │
│ │ └─Multisim 12
│ │ CHAP03.zip
│ │ CHAP04.zip
│ │ CHAP05.zip
│ │ CHAP06.zip
│ │ CHAP07.zip
│ │ CHAP08.zip
│ │ CHAP09.zip
│ │ CHAP10.zip
│ │ CHAP11.zip
│ │ CHAP12.zip
│ │ CHAP13.zip
│ │ CHAP14.zip
│ │ CHAP15.zip
│ │
│ ├─微积分
│ │ Thomas' Calculus - Early Transcendentals - Solutions [13ed].pdf
│ │ Thomas' Calculus Early Transcendentals, 13e, Weir, Hass, 2014 with notes.pdf
│ │ Thomas' Calculus Early Transcendentals, 13e, Weir, Hass, 2014.pdf
│ │ [《托马斯微积分》.第11版.(习题答案)]Calculus-Thomas-11e-solutions.pdf
│ │ [《托马斯微积分》.第11版.(附带习题答案)].Thomas.Calculus.11th.ed.Solution.pdf
│ │ [《托马斯微积分》.第11版.(附带习题答案)].Thomas.Calculus.11th.ed.with.Differential.Equtaions.pdf
│ │ 微积分之倚天宝剑(美)C.亚当斯等.pdf
│ │ 微积分之屠龙宝刀(美)C.亚当斯等.pdf
│ │
│ └─高中数学 逐页下载
│ all.html
│ book2.pl
│ pic_123867.jpg
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│ pic_123870.jpg
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│ pic_123872.jpg
│ 图片导入html_从子文件夹_无翻页.pl
│ 复件 book2.pl

│ 游泳-蛙泳完整教学手冊.pdf
│ 电子书--游泳-蛙泳 完整 教学 手冊.pdf
│ 電子書--游泳-蛙泳完整教學手冊.pdf

├─碰撞检测 - 示例代码
│ ch10.txt
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│ ch7.txt
│ ch8.txt
│ ch9.txt

│ Addison Wesley - Windows System Programming, 3ed - 2004 - Johnson M. Hart.chm
│ Microsoft - Programming Windows - Win32 API (Charles Petzold, 5th Ed).chm
│ Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example.pdf
│ Programming Windows - Win32 Api (C++) (MSpress, Charles Petzold, 5th Ed) 1998.pdf
│ Tutorial Win32 - Windows API Programming in C++.pdf
│ [深入理解计算机系统(第2版)].(Computer.Systems:A.Programmer's.Perspective).Bryant&O'Hallaron.pdf

│ JavaScript by Example June2003 PrenticeHall.chm
│ O'Reilly - ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook (2006).chm
│ Prentice Hall - JavaScript by Example.chm

│ │ Batch Function Library_CS_EN.chm
│ │ CN-DOS_Batch_2008A.chm
│ │ CN-DOS批处理精华贴(2007-A)(IE6).CHM
│ │ errortest.txt
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│ │ 我爱批处理-专项教程.chm
│ │ 批处理实例.rar
│ │ 批处理教材.rar
│ │ 批处理标准教程.pdf
│ │
│ └─畸形文件夹
│ errortest.txt
│ UNC路径写法.txt
│ [超级技巧]畸形目录[2006-10-19更新].txt
│ 建立多层设备名目录.txt

│ │ (2007) Perl by Example, 4th Ed (ISBN 0132381826).chm
│ │ Extreme Programming in Perl (Robert Nagler,O'Reilly, 2009).pdf
│ │ Intermediate.Perl.(2006).chm
│ │ Mastering Algorithms With Perl Oreilly 2.pdf
│ │ O'Reilly - Intermediate Perl, 2nd Edition (2012).pdf
│ │ O'Reilly - Perl - Regular Expression - Pocket Reference.chm
│ │ O'Reilly - Perl CD Bookshelf Version 3.0.chm
│ │ O'Reilly - Programming Perl, 3Rd Edition 2000.chm
│ │ O'reilly Perl Cookbook.pdf
│ │ OReilly,.Learning.Perl.(2005),.4Ed.BBL.LotB.chm
│ │ OReilly.Mastering.Perl.2nd.Edition.Jan.2014.pdf
│ │ Perl Hacks Tips And Tools For Programming Debugging And Surviving - D Conway, C Poe - O'reilly - 2006.pdf
│ │ perldoc-html.tar.gz
│ │ perl处理中文字符2.txt
│ │ Perl处理中文字符串.txt
│ │ perl完整版.chm
│ │ Perl语言入门(中文第四版).pdf
│ │ Thinking_in_perl.pdf
│ │ [Effective.Perl.Programming(2010,2nd)].Joseph.N.Hall.文字版.pdf
│ │ [Intermediate.Perl(2nd,2012.7)].brian.d.foy.文字版.pdf
│ │ [O'Reilly] Mastering Algorithms with Perl.pdf
│ │ [Perl.自动化系统管理].OReilly.Automating.System.Administration.with.Perl.2nd.Edition.May.2009.pdf
│ │ [Perl参考手册(第5版,涵盖Perl5.14)].(Perl.Pocket.Reference.5th.Edition).Johan.Vromans.文字版.pdf
│ │ [Perl系统管理自动化][随书代码]PSA-code.rar
│ │ [Perl进阶][随书代码]IntermediatePerlDownloads.zip
│ │ [Programming.Perl(4th,2012.2)].Tom.Christiansen.文字版.pdf
│ │ 一个Perl的在线手册.txt
│ │ 自带帮助查询.txt
│ │
│ ├─Graphics
│ │ Manning - Graphics Programming With Perl - 2002.pdf
│ │ Perl Graphics Programming.pdf
│ │
│ ├─模块资料
│ │ O'Reilly - Mastering Perl Tk.chm
│ │ Perl.Tk.Pocket.Reference.pdf
│ │ Prima.pdf
│ │ Reilly.-.Learning.Perl.Tk.1999.pdf
│ │ Reilly.-.Mastering.Perl.Tk.pdf
│ │ [Prima]A graphical user-interface and an image processing toolkit for Perl.pdf
│ │ [Prima]Image Processing in Perl Graphic Applications.pdf
│ │
│ └─网络
│ Addison Wesley - Network Programming With Perl.chm
│ O'reilly - Perl & Lwp (2002).chm
│ O'Reilly - Perl and LWP.pdf
│ [UNIX系统管理高手].Wiley.-.Programming.The.Network.With.Perl.pdf

│ Learn Windows PowerShell 3 in a Month of Lunches, Don Jones, Jeffrey Hicks, 2ed, Manning, 2013.[sharethefiles.com].pdf
│ Manning.Windows.PowerShell.in.Action.2nd.Edition.May.2011.pdf
│ OReilly.Windows.PowerShell.Cookbook.3rd.(2013).[sharethefiles.com].pdf
│ Packt Publishing Windows PowerShell 4.0 for.NET Developers (2014).pdf
│ Windows PowerShell in Action, 2nd ed. (Manning, May 2011) Source Code.zip

│ │ Expert Python Programming (2008).pdf
│ │ Packtpub.Python.2.6.Graphics.Cookbook.Nov.2010.pdf
│ │ Python Programming On Win32 (2000, Hammond and Robinson, O'Reilly Media).chm
│ │ Python Programming On Win32 Help for Windows Programmers - [O'Reilly Media, Inc] - [1565926218].pdf
│ │ python中文简明教程.chm
│ │ Python基础教程 源码.7z
│ │ Python核心编程第二版 中文.pdf
│ │ Python核心编程第二版_英文版.CHM
│ │ python核心编程随书代码 all.zip
│ │ Python编程语言的教程.txt
│ │ Python英文_2.1_Bible.pdf
│ │ wxPython 2.8 Application Development Cookbook Code.zip
│ │ [Python学习手册(第4版)].(Learning.Python.4th.Edition).Mark.Lutz.文字版.pdf
│ │ [Python袖珍参考手册(第4版)].(Python.Pocket.Reference.4th.Edition).Mark.Lutz文字版.pdf
│ │ 教材下载ED2K.txt
│ │ 编辑器的选择.txt
│ │
│ ├─excel
│ │ openpyxl for xlsx.txt
│ │ python-excel.pdf
│ │ 模块ooxml.txt
│ │ 相关资料和链接.txt
│ │
│ ├─python Chm
│ │ Dive.Into.Python-zh-cn-5.4-with-code.chm
│ │ Python in a Nutshell.chm
│ │ python简明教程.chm
│ │
│ ├─多媒体
│ │ Introduction To Computation And Programming Using Python - John V. Guttag 2013.pdf
│ │
│ └─飞信接口
│ mark.txt

│ O'Reilly - Ruby Best Practices (2009).pdf
│ Oreilly Ruby Cookbook (2006).pdf
│ Programming Ruby, 2nd Edition (2005).pdf

Excel VB 参考.CHM
Premier Press - Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner.chm
System Administration Scripting Guide.chm
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Re: 计算机开放电子书汇总(包括二十多本python相关的图书教程)

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:crazylaugh3 :oh_no
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Re: 计算机开放电子书汇总(包括二十多本python相关的图书教程)

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灵台方寸山 写了::confidence

帖子: 76
注册时间: 2016年08月06日 16:40
来自: [color=red]斜月三星洞[/color]

Re: 计算机开放电子书汇总(包括二十多本python相关的图书教程)

帖子 灵台方寸山 »



:crazylaugh3 :oh_no
帖子: 49
注册时间: 2016年09月19日 10:20

Re: 计算机开放电子书汇总(包括二十多本python相关的图书教程)

帖子 PerlMonk »

灵台方寸山 写了::shy


Perl进阶 和 精通Perl 就纯粹是情怀了,还没看过。那种收集全套书籍的感觉,根本停不下来 ……


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